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[title] : Saturday, Jan. 04, 2003 @ 8:37 pm

Today some random chick that I talked to a few times online IM'd me and asked if I wanted to go to Best Buy with her (she lives in the Herndon area) and I'm like sure, whatever. So after making up some lie about how I know her from school, she picks me up, and we're off. She reminds me a bit of Amanda, in some ways. Not quite sure how to explain it. Anyway, I had a good time just following along and chatting with her. Her name is Lauren, by the way (learned that this morning). I hope she didn't think I was too quiet, it was just that half the time I couldn't hear her because of background noise and/or music and after a bit I just gave up asking her to repeat herself incase she got the notion that I was deaf.

I'm trying to decide if I'm going to pull an all-nighter tonight, to kick my sleeping habbit back into gear. Really, I should have done the whole all nighter thing last night and I almost did, but gave in around five thirty. I will be really incoherant come morning, but it might be worth it because I need to catch up on homework and HTML anyway.

Speaking of HTML, here are the two plans I'm looking at. Actually, I'm seriously considering the Luna one, it just depends on my convincing my mother and how much $$ I have.
Name MB GB/mo domain cost $$/yr total
ICD Soft 333 MB 5 $5 $65
Lunarpages 300 MB 20 $14.95 $74.35
What I plan on using my site for:

  • Personal intrest stuff
  • hosting photography pictures of mine
  • hosting people
Domain will be:

Aight well not much happened today and I really should get back to homework. I'll probably be up all night. Feel free to email me. Or join me! I could use the company.



What Link
MORE Drexel University High School Photography Contest Exhibit info.
Out of 2,500 photographs, only 140 could be chosen. Two of those were mine.
This guy Tom's site that I stumbled onto last night. (view)
Beautiful artist with HTML skills to boot (view)
Awesome body image site. (view)

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