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Quick Update : Monday, Dec. 09, 2002 @ 3:12 pm

My diaryreview turned out much like my grades... good old familar B. I, am not a perfectionist.
I do, however plan on making another layout sometime, probably after my parents get me that scanner for Christmas. At least, the scanner they're supposed to get me for Christmas considering that's all I asked for and the one I wanted was $40. Hopefully by then I will have convinced my parents to let me use their credit card so I can buy myself a domain/hosting service. Woot. Then instead of it being it'd be! Sounds like a plan. So my next layout will be for future webpage istead of this silly diaryland. I'm hoping to include a b/w picture that I myself took in this next layout.
Of course, this is all going to happen when I have time and we all know how precious time is when you're in two AP classes and various other classes that actually require work. Or at least, if you don't know, you've heard me bitching about it that well now you know. Laura took some pictures of me... they actually didn't come out half bad. I'll crop them, upload them, and link them in a minute. -3:29pm (will edit later)

Picture One
Picture Two


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